This past Saturday, June 23rd, TUC staff and volunteers welcomed 200 Duffins
Creek area residents to the first annual Duffins Creek Family Fun Day held at Greenwood
Conservation Area in Ajax.
Families were greeted by Boomer the Bass and visited nine stations where
they met the fish and aquatic bugs living in Duffins Creek, learned about the
watershed model, ran the Fishy Escapades obstacle course, tried their hand
casting for fish and tying flies with the Izaak Walton Fly Fishing Club,
demonstrated their artistic abilities at the fish print table and competed at
Fish Jeopardy with Toronto and Region Conservation. The barbeque lunch courtesy
of Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. was also popular destination!
Many thanks to our volunteers and the following
organizations who made this beautiful, fun-filled day possible: Enbridge Gas
Distribution Inc., the Izaak Walton Fly Fishing Club, Canadian
National Sportsmen's Shows, and Toronto and Region Conservation.
Boomer the Bass |
Amazing Aquatic Bugs |
Fish Print station |
Fabulous fish prints drying in the pavillion |
Fish Escapades competitors |
Barbeque station |
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