Monday, November 9, 2015

Duffins Restoration Planting

On Saturday November 7 volunteers helped us restore a portion of Duffins Creek in Ajax.  The team planted 185 trees and shrubs which were a mixture of eastern white cedar, red osier dogwood, chokeberry, common elderberry, nannyberry, and silver maple.  These species are all native to the area and as they grow will help to further stabilize the restored bank and the trees in future will provide shade to Duffins Creek as well.  This planting was part of a larger bank restoration project completed in partnership with the Town of Ajax, Toronto Region Conservation Authority, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and also received contributing funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Department of Fisheries and Ocean's Recreational Fisheries Community Partnership Program and Enbridge Gas Distribution.

Thank you to our volunteers with out you non of this would have been possible!

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